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How to Resolve “No authorization to access via a trusted system (L-RC=1002 T-RC=2)” Error in SAP

Attention! If you are an SAP administrator or user facing the annoying authorization error “No authorization to access via trusted system (L-RC=XXXXXX T-RC=X)”, you are in the right place. In this article, we will provide you with an effective solution to this problem that may be affecting the performance of your applications.

What does the Error “No authorization to access via a trusted system (L-RC=1002 T-RC=2)” mean?

When SAP applications are not working properly, you may encounter the error message “No authorization to access via a trusted system (L-RC=1002 T-RC=2)”. This message usually appears in the browser console or in the HTTP trace. But what does this message really mean and what is the underlying cause of this error?

Possible Causes of Error

The root cause of this problem is usually a lack of authorization. The error message “No authorization to access via a trusted system (L-RC=1002 T-RC=2)” indicates that the user trying to make the RFC call does not have the authorization object S_RFCACL in the back end system. It can also occur when the trust relationship between the systems is not configured correctly.

Resolving the Error “No authorization to access through a trusted system (L-RC=1002 T-RC=2)”.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem that will allow you to recover the functionality of your applications. Follow these steps to resolve the error:

  1. Verify the User on the Back End System: Make sure there is a User ID on your target system that matches the one on the source system. This user must have the authorization object S_RFCACL in the target system.
  2. Configure the Trust Relationship: It is essential that the front end system calls are trusted by the back end system. To check this, access the SMT1 transaction on the back end system and verify that the front end system ID is registered in the “Systems whose calls are trusted” tab.

Best practices for maintaining the authorization object S_RFCACL

First of all, if you are a system administrator, we strongly recommend that you review whether establishing the trust relationship is really necessary. If it is, keep the specific values you need for the scenario in question (System ID, Client, User), and never keep the fields of this object with an ‘*’.

  • RFC_USER : ‘ ‘
  • RFC_EQUSER: Y (for Yes)
  • RFC_TCODE : ‘ ‘ (if the transaction flag is disabled in transaction SMT1)

Profile SAP_ALL is missing object S_RFCACL

If the error message still appears even when the user has the SAP_ALL profile assigned, do not worry, this is normal. The authorization object S_RFCACL has been deliberately excluded from the SAP_ALL profile, due to its criticality.

All possible RFC error codes

Occasionally we may see a similar error, with the format (L-RC=X T-RC=X). In this case, we must interpret the error codes and analyze the problem based on the meaning of each code. Below you will find the meaning of each of these codes.

The possible return codes for the “trusted system” (T-RC) are:

0Successful login through the trusted system.
1There is no trusted system entry for the source system “” with the installation number ” “, if any, or the security key entry for the system “” is invalid.
2The user “” has no RFC authorization (authorization object S_RFCACL) for the user “” with the client .
3The timestamp of the login data was invalid…

The possible return codes for the “login procedure” (L-RC) are:

0USER_OKLogin was successful
1USER_NOT_ALLOWEDIncorrect username or password
2USER_LOCKEDUser blocked
3STOP_SESSIONToo many login attempts
5BAD_BUFFERError in the authorization buffer
6CUA_MASTER_RECORDNo external user verification
7BAD_USER_TYPEInvalid user type
8USER_NOT_VALIDUser validity passed
9SNC_MAPPING_MISMATCHThe user does not correspond to the CNS name
10SNC_REQUIREDSecure connection required
11SNC_NAME_NOT_IN_ACLUser not found in USRACL(EXT)
12SNC_SYST_NOT_IN_ACLSystem not found in USRACL(EXT)
13SNC_MAPPING_NO_MATCHNo matching user found
14SNC_MAPPING_AMBIGUOUSMultiple user matches found
20TICKET_LOGON_DISABLEDLogin process disabled
21TICKET_INVALIDData received, no SSO ticket
22TICKET_ISSUER_NOT_VERIFIEDUnverified digital signature
23TICKET_ISSUER_NOT_TRUSTEDThe ticket issuer is not trustworthy
24TICKET_EXPIREDExpired ticket
26TICKET_WITH_EMPTY_USERIDThe ticket contains an empty user ID
30X509_LOGON_DISABLEDSnc/extid_login_diag = 0
31X509_BASE64_INVALIDCertificate not base64-encoded
32X509_INVALID_SERVERX.509 not provided by ITS
33X509_HTTPS_REQUIREDCertificate not transferred via SSL
34X509_MAPPING_NO_MATCHNo matching account
35X509_MAPPING_AMBIGUOUSMultiple matching accounts
40EXTID_LOGON_DISABLEDsnc/extid_login_diag = 0
41EXTID_MAPPING_NO_MATCHNo matching account
42EXTID_MAPPING_AMBIGUOUSMultiple matching accounts
53PASSWORD_ATTEMPTS_LIMITEDBlockage counter exceeded
100CLIENT_NOT_EXISTThe client does not exist
101CLIENT_LOCKEDBlocked client
1002 Error logging into the trusted system (no authorization S_RFCACL)


In summary, the error “No authorization to access via a trusted system (L-RC=1002 T-RC=2)” can be frustrating, but not insurmountable. Making sure that the right user has S_RFCACL authorization on the back end and setting up the trust relationship between the systems correctly are the key steps to solve this problem.

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